Gents, im selling one of my US MK 79 Mod 0 Signal Kit,
Kit consists of 3 UNUSED signals, (Usually comes with 7 but ive used the 4 na)
and a hand fired MK80 Mod O, with 1 projector.
Made By Penguin Industries, Inc. Lot No. 15-P11-1269. FSN 1370-866-9788. L118. 12/69. PII-12., The Kit has screw in type flares, the projector is black anodized aluminum. Your SV-1 or SV-2 Navy survival vest is not complete without this component; It is also carried by Navy Seal Teams for signaling purposes, it is a very hard item to find.
in Pristine condition and WORKING!!!
Reference Picture:
Actual Picture: (Phone Cam Used)
with 3 UNUSED Signal (STAR) Rounds
Downed US aircrew personnel used these distress signaling device kits. Because it is small and lightweight, personnel can carry it in pockets of flight suits or in life rafts. The projector aims and fires the signals. Each signal contains a single red star. On activation, this star is propelled upward to a height of between 250 and 650 feet. The star burns for a minimum of 4 1/2 seconds. Designed to be used Under EXTREME Situations. (HOT, COLD, HUMID)
I have Multiple Signal Flare Guns, and I Usually Bring 1 during MILSIM Operations. These may one day save your Life:) (Oh.. i was about to use THIS during or Desperate situation in Ternate.. with Gold TLs permission ofcourse)
SELLS in the US for $250++ for a complete WORKING KIT. and $100++for INERT (for display only Purposes) NON -WORKING kit.
Mine is WORKING:)
Price is 2.5k. You may contact me at 0917-9393035.